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Monday, August 18, 2008

Online Education - How Colleges Have Adapted to Delivering Degree Programmes Online

Distance learning and flexible learning are both popular and practical thanks to colleges and other learning providers using the Internet to deliver quality degree courses. Essentially, colleges have adapted to suit the needs of students, who often find it preferable to study online whilst continuing in their careers and family responsibilities. The way in which education organisations have adapted to deliver degree programmes online is based on technological developments and applying a range of philosophies and theories all geared to giving students the best tuition and support around their work and family commitments.

What colleges and learning institutions have found is that although the Internet is an easy to use and very useful tool in distance learning and for online degrees, the way in which it used, and the presentation and organisation of learning materials online is important for students to be able to get the information they need in an accessible way.

The various features and resources of online degree programmes, such as online business degrees and online management courses, can be collectively defined as Virtual Learning Environments or VLEs. Approaching delivering degree programmes online by considering the VLE, colleges can build and develop learning resources based around the philosophy that the student can access all the necessary course information, classes, and teaching staff via such a Virtual Learning Environment.

The specific aspects of each VLE depend on the nature of the subject of study, whether it is an online degree in Internet marketing, or a distance learning foundation degree. Because students with professional or family commitments need more flexibility when they choose to study, the VLE is an ideal Internet platform that can offer students learning resources and features at a time that suits them.

Colleges that adopt a VLE for their distance learning courses also appreciate the needs of students that choose flexible learning as their chosen academic route, and therefore will have adapted courses, and the way in which courses are delivered, according to those needs.

As well as the innovation of online degree programmes, colleges as a whole have become more 'customer focused' and devote much time to finding out how better to cater for students with a range of specific needs. It is this philosophy that has seen colleges adapt to provide online courses and flexible learning in a seamless way.

Staff are especially trained to use the VLEs to present course information and syllabuses, deliver classes and provide learning resources in a clear and accessible way. Importantly, the VLE enables clear and easy communication amongst teacher and learner, and amongst learners, through Internet classes in real time, forums and email. Many VLEs use mobile media such as mobile telephones to provide information and communication for staff and students.

Colleges have not only adapted their outlook to use the Internet in delivering online degrees, but pioneered the concept of distance and flexible learning using the web and other types of e-learning in delivering quality online courses for students.

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